This Week's Crackhead Specials
Finally got a new substance abuser in my life. You know how I get all my yard work done by the neighborhood crackhead/winos? As I said before, most of them have gone on to...greener pastures...but there's been one who's been bugging me for the past couple of years.
I used to ignore him because he always got on my nerves. I could never really figure out what his issue was...if he was on drugs, mentally challenged or just an a$$hole. He was always pestering me. If I pulled up to my house and I saw him walking I'd try to look busy and stay in the car until he passed. Of course he would always come up to the window and start screaming through the window:
"You want meeda wash ya car? Hey!...Hey! Wan meeda wash ya car? I can wash yuh car fuh yuh! Hey! Hey! Wonchu lemme wash yuh car! Whatta 'bout your yard? I can do yuh yard for yuh! Come on! I can do it!"
He's the type of guy who you have to say no to at least 10 times before he finally leaves you alone. Needless to say, by the time I get to the 10th time I'm not saying it very nicely. That whole thing got on my nerves too quick. If ever he saw me, he could never just let me go into the house or get into my car without pestering me to let him do something.
And his charge was always so low! Now I'm real familiar with crackhead prices so I'm used to getting work done for a bargain. But his prices were so low you just couldn't take it seriously. Like he'd offer to wash my car for $1. Can you really trust a $1 car wash? From a crackhead?
Since I've been consulting, I really haven't had the additional income to pay people for me. Even if I did have it, I just feel if you're on a budget you shouldn't pay people to do chores you could easily do yourself if you weren't so damn lazy. That's way too bourgeois...even for me. Meanwhile, the weeds in my yard looked like they were about ready to gang up and jack my Dwarf Japanese Maple tree. I realized something needed to be done.
So Shorty rings my bell the other day. My immediate reaction when I saw him was to shake my head no and close the door. He had just asked me if he could do my yard the day before and I told him I had no money. I figured that would be the end of that. I guess when I said I had no money, he was thinking I was just talking about that day. He didn't realize I meant that month and probably for the rest of the year.
But something kept me from closing the door completely on his incoherent requests. Maybe it was the fact that he rang my bell only once...not five right after the other--like he usually does. Maybe it was the fact that my out-of-control weeds appeared to be sneaking up behind him as he stood there. Or, maybe it was the fact that he said he would do my yard for 50 cents.
Do my yard for 50 cents! Hot damn! Now that's a thinking man. No, you can't buy any liquor--not even a single--or any drugs for 50 cents. But if you do enough chores for enough neighbors, you can pool together enough cheddar to get yourself some stash. All this time I thought he was low-balling himself and he was really just a man with a plan! I really admired that. I looked at him with new-found respect.
I gave him my hedge clippers and he went to work. I watched him as he began cutting the weeds down with the clippers. "Oh helllll no," I thought. "I could do that myself."
"You can't just cut the weeds, you have to pull them from the roots or else they'll just be back tomorrow," I griped.
Of course, this was probably the plan. I had to catch myself though. The brother was only asking for 50 cents and here I was acting like he was Lawn Doctor. Still, I had to direct him a bit. I don't know what kind of substance Shorty has been taking over the years, but he's about a beer short of a 6-pack. He was hacking away at my hedges like he was Edward Scissorhands. Of course...Edward knew what the hell he was doing. He had a technique. Shorty was just cutting to be cutting.
I had to be very clear that it had to be even when he finished. He actually listened, which surprised me even more. In addition to not being too swift, Shorty was always a little hard headed.
In the end I gave him a dollar and I told him I'd give him another dollar the next day when I had a chance to get out the house...Surprisingly, he never came back for the rest of his money. I guess the dollar sufficed. At those prices, even a poor consultant like me can still afford to have help. Hot damn! Living in a gentrified neighborhood does have its benefits! All the crackhead/wino cheap labor has almost offset the cost of the four stereos, portable CD player and umpteen CDs that have been stolen from my car over the years! Almost.
Anyway, for the first time since I've lived here, I actually am hoping to see Shorty again soon. Now that I have an extra dollar...maybe I can get my car washed.
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